Man Saws Neighbor's Garage in Half (Photos)

Hans Sigl At The Filming Location Of 'Der Bergdoktor'

I think the pandemic is getting to people. A man in Maine, after a property line dispute, sawed his neighbor's garage in half. Own a home they said! It'll be fun they said! Apparently not.

You ever have beef with your neighbor? When you own a home and you don't get along with your neighbors, it really can be an unpleasant living experience. Well, one man in Maine who initially got along with his neighbor, did not enjoy the new neighbors that moved in after his first neighbor passed away.

After a property dispute and a surveyor coming out to the property to determine the property line, it was determined that the neighbor's garage was halfway onto the property line of the man. So, the neighbor decided to have the garage cut in half.

Check out the pictures here!

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